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Weekly Group Tutoring

Weekly group tutoring is for students who are interested in weekly group study sessions facilitated by a trained tutor. Group tutoring sessions are collaborative and give students the opportunity to work with students taking the same class from the same professor.

Group Tutoring Courses

  • ACC 210, 220, 280
  • BIO 181, 183
  • EC 201
  • GN 311
  • MA 107, 141, 241, 242
  • CH 101, 201, 221, 223
  • PY 205, 208, 211, 212
  • ST 311

Time Commitment

Weekly Group Tutoring is a 1 hour/week time commitment. Students may request a group assignment for up to 2 courses.

Group Size

Groups consist of 3-5 students and are led by an experienced tutor.

Requesting a Weekly Group Assignment:

Interested in requesting a group assignment? Watch the orientation video below and then complete the request form!

Please watch the Group Tutoring orientation video prior to filling out a request.

The Fall 2024 Weekly Group Tutoring will open on Wednesday, August 21st at 9 am.

Group Assignments will not start meeting until the week of August 28th.

Questions about Weekly Group Tutoring?

Email the Academic Success Center or call 919.515.3163.